Wonders All Around

Learning Alongside My 5th Grade Wonders


Communication Tools

I have to admit that I’m not quite ready to make the jump from asynchronous Web 2.0 tools to real-time tools. I strongly believe that communication is the key to learning, and I have students “turn and talk” all the time in class, but taking this to the Web has me a bit nervous.

I can see the potential that Skype has, but what would it take to find the right contacts? I could see talking with people in the health care field as part of our study on the human body. We could talk with people at museums and historical societies when we study historical fiction. Of course, we could collaborate with students around the world.

I’m intrigued by the idea of Back Chatting. I know that taking notes help me get more out of a presentation. I think I’d get even more out of “texting” and getting responses to my thoughts. with practice, I think my students would, too.

I do feel that asynchronous Web 2.0 communication leaves me longing for a bit more. After I read an interesting article, I want to share it with someone else. I want more than just to write down my ideas; I want a response, if not a conversation.

Now that I’m not so new at this, I’m ready to share my blog with others. I’m a little nervous about the critiques I may receive, but I’m getting to the point where I need more cdialogue with others if I’m going to take my technology learning to the next level.

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